Saturday, December 03, 2011

Hsu Memorial Service

The memorial service for Sam Hsu will be held this Thursday, December 8, 10:00 a.m. (until 11:30) at Tenth Church. The service will be webcast (go to and click "Sermons/Webcast"). A prelude involving musicians who have played with Sam will begin at 9:30.

The family requests that memorial gifts be made to Philadelphia Biblical University ("Sam Hsu Memorial" on the memo line). They may be sent to 200 Manor Avenue, Langhorne, PA 19047.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Sam Hsu

It is with sadness that I report that our brother Sam Hsu was pronounced dead as of 2:45 this afternoon. In our grief we nevertheless give thanks that he who believed in the Lord Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life, even though he has died, yet he lives.

Day of Prayer

Our quarterly Day of Prayer is this Sunday. We will meet in Fellowship Hall during the 9:00 hour and in the 315 Building, first floor rear for the 11:00 hour.

Congregational Meeting

This is a reminder of the congregational meeting tonight at 7:30 in the sanctuary. All the more I encourage you to attend that we might provide one another comfort and encouragement.

Update on Sam Hsu

Dear Church Family,

Final tests are being run this morning, but the likely result is that our brother Sam Hsu will be declared to have died. This is a sad day for our church. We know that our Lord is sovereign; we know that he is good; we know that our brother - probably already now - enters into glory. And yet, there is a time for tears and to mourn with one another.

As Dr. Boice once wrote:
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Thursday, December 01, 2011

Pray for Dr. Sam Hsu

Tenth elder, Dr. Sam Hsu, was struck by a car this morning in Center City Philadelphia. He is hospitalized in serious condition.  Please pray for Sam and for his family. More news will be posted as we receive it.

Vocational Kickoff, Part 2

The Vocation Ministry Kick-Off, Part II will be on Friday, Dec. 9. We will begin with a dessert reception at
6:30 pm, followed by a short devotional. The majority of the night will be reserved for discussion in specific
vocational groups. The following groups will meet on Dec. 9:

Allied Health
Performing Arts
Sales and Marketing
Sciences (Research)
Social Services

Childcare will be available for children 5 and under. There will be a $10 cost per family. Please register at If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Jue at See you there!

Dr. Jeff Jue, Director of Vocational Ministry

Welcome, Elliott Gabriel!

Ephraim and Kristen Schafli are pleased to announce the birth of Elliott Gabriel Schafli, 20.5", 8 pounds 3 ounces born at 9:17 pm on November 26.

Two Worthwhile Christmas Specials

Having difficulty finding a Christmas movie/show that actually makes reference to Christ? Don't forget the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. By far the best. Another made-for-TV movie that flies under the radar is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It is hard to find, but worthwhile being added to your collection.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gingerbread tea publicity

"The gingerbread tea, publicity, and me"--say it three times slowly and then commit to helping get the word out. We want to invite our Center City neighbors, so if you live downtown and have access to a public bulletin board, we want to hear from you. We have nicely designed posters just begging to be posted at your library, apartment building, or laundry mat. Just email Terri at and we'll work out a way to get you one.

Apartment Hunt Assistance Request

Hello There,

I am a female graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. I enjoy baking and would like to live with others who don't mind my use of the kitchen.
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Sunday Services 12/4/2011

Join us this Sunday for our services.
AM (9 & 11): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching “Before Bethlehem” (John 1:1–18). Carols: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; See, amid the Winter’s Snow; Joseph, See the Holy Child.
PM (6:30): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching “Heaven Opened” (Acts 7:39–8:1). Carols: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Comfort, Comfort Ye My People; Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor; Infant Holy, Infant Lowly; From Heaven High I Come to You.

The Urban Ministry Insitute

Most Sunday evenings you can find Rick and Betty Horne worshiping at Tenth. But you might not know that for the past few years Rick has been involved with World Impact and their program The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI). TUMI is basically seminary training for urban brothers and sisters (minus Greek and Hebrew). It is designed to overcome the academic, financial, geographical, and cultural barriers that commonly hinder urban chruch leaders from getting training from traditional Bible college and seminary sources. Recently World Impact and Prison Fellowship have partnered to provide TUMI classes in prisons. Watch this video to learn more about this exciting partnership.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Funeral for Harold Davis

The funeral for Harold Davis will be held this Friday, December 2, at 11:00 am at Tenth. Viewing and visitation with the family is at 10:00. Memorial gifts may be made out to "Tenth Presbyterian Church." Address: 1701 Delancey Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

MCO Healthcare Fellowship Lunch

The next MCO Healthcare Fellowship lunch will be on December 4 at 12:45 in Fellowship Hall. The speaker will be Stephanie Hubach, MNA Special Needs Ministries, speaking on "A Biblical Perspective of Disability."  Please come. Lunch is free for students.

TCN Christmas Party

Let the Christmas music and Yuletide activities begin! Join Tenth City Network (20s & 30s ministry) for their Christmas Party on December 1 at 7:30p at the home of the Golighers.

John Reimold

John Reimold, the father of Paul Reimold, died last night after a long illness. Please be prayer for Paul's mother and the family.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Harold Davis

Tenth member Harold Davis died peacefully Monday evening, being received into the presence of his Lord. Please pray for Susan Fletcher, his daughter, and for the rest of the family.

Herschel Wiggins' Jewelry

Tenth member Herschel Wiggins will be displaying his jewelry work at the Guild of Craftsmen Open Studio Tour, December 9-11. Check here for information. Note that Herschel's display will be at 115 Ellis Road in Havertown.


Can you read this?

7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.

Calling all Cookies!

(Pat "Cookie Monster" Canavan sent in this post.)

Only a relatively few people so far have been asked to provide a contribution of Christmas cookies for the Bible School Christmas program this coming Sunday (4:30pm). As a result, we will fall short and will need much more. We are asking for people (especially those who teach or have children in the Bible School) to bring a contribution of Christmas cookies to Sunday’s program. Please mark or label them “Bible School and/or Christmas program” so we know what they are and are set aside for the event.

And as the comment requests: Please note if they have any of the major food allergens!

Dinner and a Meeting

Come have dinner with your church family before the meeting in the sanctuary. Dinner begins at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall. But you need to register, which you have by Wednesday to do. Call in or go online.

Congregational Meeting

The annual congregational meeting is this Friday night! The meeting, which begins at 7:30 in the sanctuary, includes the regular items - electing elders, deacons, deaconesses, nominating committee members, and trustees; and voting on the 2012 church budget. We will receive the final report of the Capital Campaign committee. This will be the first meeting that Liam moderates. (So feel free to make as many motions, substitute motions, and amendments as you like.)

Of special interest is that this will be the first congregation-wide meeting in which our new Senior Minister has opportunity to share his vision with us and update us on the new initiatives taking place.

Gloria Sparlin

Robert Sparlin thanks the Tenth church body for our prayers of intercession on his mother's behalf and for his family. His mother, Gloria Sparlin, passed on Saturday, November 26.

TCN Christmas Party

The first of the December special events is this Thursday, when Tenth City Network, a fellowship of 20s and 30s age folks gather at the Golighers for a Christmas party at 7:30 pm.

December Series

I have peeked ahead to see what Liam is preaching in the morning services for December. He is doing a series on John 1:1-18. Here are the titles:
12/4 - Before Bethlehem
12/11 - The Light...Was Coming
12/18 - The Word Became Flesh
12/25 - Grace and Truth


If you are a friend of Francis Swink, you may want to check in with her and see if she is okay. Please pass on my condolences to her. She will understand what I am referring to. (Hee, hee, hee)